Waking up at 0330 to drive to Manchester for an early flight to Singapore is no fun. Before you ask I was wait listed on all flights out of Heathrow yesterday and today but none came through. It only took three hours which was very good news as I lingered too long in the bath (few hotels have other than showers and I am away for four weeks) and missed my planned departure by 40 minutes. It ended up as an hour as I returned to the house three times for forgotten items (300 yards, two miles and seven miles). I was entertained on the way up by a backlog of podcasts of the News Quiz with the best Sarah Pallin joke so far: Q – Why did Sarah Pallin take her gun to New York? A – She heard there was a bear market. There were a host more, together with grateful thanks to the Republican Party for providing a satirists dream. In this respect I must admit to feeling guilty about the behaviour of the British contingent at last weeks complexity event. We were explaining to our liberal east coast colleagues that a victory for McCain, followed by a shock induced death would produce one of the richest sources of political and sociological research ever, extolling the number of papers that could be produced from the safe distance of a transatlantic location. Unfair really, but irresistible. Enough, some final emails then I board for Singapore and thence to Australia, back to Singapore and KL, followed by Canada, the US, Canada again and home in time for the Autumn Internationals (just).
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
An excellent post from Neuroanthropology showing the way in which stereotypes with poor researchand even ...
You sweat blood for years to get a new idea/concept such as complex adaptive ...