By any standards £75 for a weeks internet access is a total and utter rip off. Hotels need to realise that internet access is like access to water – it should be part of the fee. Shame on the Marriott Hollins Hill (which otherwise seems a very nice hotel). Far cheaper and lower quality hotels provide internet access for free, or a token fee. If the charge wasn’t bad enough, then the speed of access would cap it all. At those sort of rates you would expect better than a 30 second refresh on a web site.
PS Despite being in Yorkshire, their beer comes from the Midlands, and they have no idea how to keep it
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
Thanks to Thinking Meat for this article in the Economist. It challenges the idea that ...
A great line (the title) from Caroline Green's class in California, in the context of ...