I am sitting here in Starbucks on Cockle Bay in Sydney, anticipating an enjoyable dual (not duel) master class with Etienne Wenger followed by a short flight up the coast for the start up of an interesting project on indigenous education. I’ve been looking forward to the master class for some time as, while I disagree with Etienne on several points I have immense respect for the depth of his thinking. Australian audiences are always fun as well, they are not afraid to speak up!
While tomorrow is the anniversary of my first blog, the main object of today is to let you know of a Driving Business Growth Through Innovation Conference coming up this October. It has some interesting speakers, but also expect fireworks as I have profound disagreements with one of the speakers who I think has little or no understanding of complexity and who is propounding one of the approaches to innovation that I think is harmful. I will say no more, but it should be entertaining …….
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
I did the opening keynote at KM Australia this morning. A good sized audience and ...
A brilliant quote from Leonardo da Vinci's Notebooks courtesy of Mind Hacks Irons rusts from disuse, ...