Change is not permitted …

December 26, 2011

nostalgia.jpgFor those who have asked for the Christmas cooking blog there is no real point. I have very conservative children, so we repeated last years menu, which was a repeat of 2009 (blogged in detail), which was a repeat of 2008 and so on. They are both at University now so they return home in anticipation that nothing will change, or will have changed. I seem to remember that I did the same thing at their age. I was allowed to remove the brussels sprouts as no one ever eats them anyway, substituting spinach with nutmeg but that was about it.

Of course warmth is another factor, both of their shared residences seem to have heating problems at the moment but as far as I am concerned they are wimps. Nothing compares with a Morecambe student flat in the 70s with ill fitting windows facing the Irish Sea. Somehow or another this was made worse by the rules (no guests after 2000, no female guests at any time). The walk to the bus in winter carried with it the danger of being swept into said Irish Sea by the wind or waves and salt was more a feature of ones clothing than a condiment.

So warmth, home cooking and paternal procurement of booze all provide an attraction and its good to have them back, but I would like to change things from time to time! They both head back to Brighton and Leamington Spa respectively for the New Year and I’ve booked myself into a hotel near Swansea so I can celebrate the new year with an early morning start on a long walk on the Gower Peninsular. If it rains then I’m heading to St Davids for a sentimental journey. Then in the evening I can watch the Blues away match to the Ospreys before heading for Heathrow and the first trip of the year (to Switzerland). That is an interesting few days discussing complexity, cynefin and SenseMaker® in the context of AGILE/LEAN/SCRUM etc. More on that closer to the time.

Overall this Christmas I had all the Christmas shopping done on the 23rd, thanks to spending the day in Cardiff before the Blues beat the Dragons. Craft on the Bay if you don’t know it is a great place; staffed by the artists themselves and always full of interesting, and affordable original works. I didn’t manage to get my act together on Christmas Cards (so everyone can expect an electronic News Years greeting with profound apologies. Life in December was always going to be flu with deadlines for papers and clients; but we have also been working on some major new changes in Cognitive Edge strategy, more on that in the new year.

For tonight, I’m cooking again (a repeat of yesterday but with cold meat) that we will eat to the new production of the Borrowers (childhood nostalgia again) then tomorrow I take the children (well young adults) to Stratford for a David Edgar play. The good thing is they can drive, so I can drink! Wednesday sees another section of the Thames Path target for complete with friends (that will make it half way) and otherwise I will be sat on the computer, trying to catch up before years end. I’ve also got a set of posts to this blog set up and planned. Too many missed days this last year, I need to turn over an older leaf for next.

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About the Cynefin Company

The Cynefin Company (formerly known as Cognitive Edge) was founded in 2005 by Dave Snowden. We believe in praxis and focus on building methods, tools and capability that apply the wisdom from Complex Adaptive Systems theory and other scientific disciplines in social systems. We are the world leader in developing management approaches (in society, government and industry) that empower organisations to absorb uncertainty, detect weak signals to enable sense-making in complex systems, act on the rich data, create resilience and, ultimately, thrive in a complex world.

Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.


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