The world as most of us knew it ground to an abrupt halt in the first quarter of 2020, when many governments closed borders to the seamless travel we’d come to take for granted. I clearly remember the sense of foreboding I felt on the evening of 23th January 2020, when I saw the news alert that China had in effect cancelled Chinese New Year – something unthinkable to us. I don’t know if the rest of the world grasped the significance and gravity at that point in time, but it wouldn’t be long before they did.
For those of us privileged enough to stay safe and healthy, the past 17 months have passed in a blur of quotidien drudgery, and time has lost much of its meaning without usual routines to fall back on. The past 17 months have also offered a chance at renewal and re-wilding.
This coming October will mark 12 years of service at Cognitive Edge. I have enjoyed every challenging moment and opportunity of it, from entry-level delivery to consultation to administering to business development; it has never been boring. It is truly a privilege to be part of a paradigm shift towards anthro-complexity-based approaches in business and management, and I’ll always be an advocate wherever I go.
A lot of soul-searching and career counselling took place as the changes in Cognitive Edge were taking shape, and in response to them, my decision was to remain and challenge myself by pivoting, so that I can continue to provide value in this next stage of the company’s growth.
My new role is really a lot of the same old, but with a renewed focus on enabling our network to utilise SenseMaker® and the methods in the EU Field Guide with their clients. Many of you in the network have already participated in the briefing webinars over the past two months, and thanks to all your input, we’ll soon be ready to launch commercial and non-commercial offerings that reduce the barriers to adoption, including that of cost. I can’t wait to introduce this to the network, and to the wider world.
I’ll also be working closely with Donna (what a pleasure), who oversees training, to package our offerings with our latest thinking. Where appropriate or needed, I’ll also be stepping in to deliver some training.
Over the years I’ve formed meaningful relationships with many of you in the network, and I aim to continue doing so. I’ll always be available for a chat, and before too long, I hope we’ll be able to see each other in person.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
I’m going to assume that everyone who frequents this blog and is a regular reader ...
I originally intended to publish this post way back in May and got all the ...