Over thirty years ago I lived off and on in the Rathmines area of Dublin for a couple of years. It was a great experience, but one of the most important cultural learnings was how to buy and drink a pint of Guinness. I should say now that I only drink Guinness in Ireland, and in Ireland I only drink Guinness. I had thought that the rituals could only be learnt by experience but Head Rambles (who is up there with Dilbert as a daily dose of cynical realism coupled with a delightful humour) has managed to codify the practice with brilliance here. For context you need to understand that as a service to humanity, Head Rambles believes in culling tourists ….
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It is nice to see Graham Durant-Law joining the blogosphere. His second post makes a ...
Large government agencies can be daunting places for new starters especially for those people who ...