Atlanta airport is surrounded by Thunderstorms so I may or may not make it back tonight. Either way I can look back on three days with one of the most international of international companies I have worked with. IBM was mostly US citizens and its generally true that a HQ reflects its country of origin, not so here. Its also good when you get bright people to work with who are not prepared to let you run through material without question. As a result we have some exciting potential projects.
The other pleasure was to renew my acquaintanceship with Oskar Blues Old Chub described as dark, reddish brown, chocolate & molasses aromas, creamy toffee & caramel, slight bitter finish. The description is evocative and if anything an understatement of a great beer. You can get it in the nearest place I know to an English Pub here in the USofA namely The Brick Store. Great place, good atmosphere, competent food and a huge choice of beers. They even had Otter which I find difficult to get in the UK. Strongly recommended.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
Back in 1998 Fahey & Prusak produced a list 11 Deadly sins in knowledge management. ...
Ok so this makes it about 30-40 years to go before we have a generation ...