I survived day one of the advanced course in Halifax thanks to dosing myself up with various chemicals and consuming coffee to counteract the resulting soporific effect. It went well with the first full outing for all the domain models, and to an audience that had swelled as a result of the meetings earlier in the week. There is however a limit to how long one can keep going and by the evening I was more or less dead on my feet. I went down to the bar as a preliminary to having a final meal with Michael but after a few minutes it was self evident to all, and eventually me, that I was fighting a lost cause and should go to bed.
So I have; normal service will be resumed as soon as possible
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
Today on the schedule was a free day, so a chance to catch up on ...
Today, Friday started on Thursday evening. At the end of the Advanced Course in the ...