Normally I get irritated when software gets updated every week or so, but I want to make an exception of iGTD. Every new release brings another useful feature (lots lately on posting sticky notes from the to do list onto my screen). Euan put me onto it some time ago and it is an excellent GTD (Getting things done) tool. It understands that I want to organise tasks by context (when I am on line, when I have time) as well as by project; my need to mark web pages with notes and then blog the results is seamless, painless and a joy to use. It integrates perfectly with other Apple applications to the point where iGTD, Ecto (thanks to Shawn) and NetNewsWire (thanks to Steve) almost seem to be one interconnected application for all my social computing needs. iGTD is Donationware with good community support and discussion.
In part my hostility to frequent upgrades comes from the dark days of my XP use where taking upgrades impacted on performance – every-time I said yes I brought forward the day when I would need to reinstall everything to get half way decent performance. That one fact alone took me into the Apple Store in San Jose eighteen months ago. My statement I‘ve had enough of XP tell me about OSX was greeted in a similar manner to going into a Welsh revivalist chapel and saying I have sinned I want to repent or meeting Richard Dawkins and saying Please accept me into your loving embrace as an avowed athesist. No more performance problems since then, although I am planning to let the Genius Bar have my Powerbook later in the year for a check over – great service by the way, you pay a small amount per annum which means you can walk into more or less any Apple store worldwide and get help if you need it (which you rarely do). You also get an annual service ….
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
The world seems a little out of true this morning. I am on a plane ...
This wonderful little clip on YouTube has been picked up by various bloggers too numerous ...