Today started well, but then disintegrated. The man from Sky arrived early to install the HD box I had ordered in time for Christmas, but as least I have it now. He came early so I had plenty of time to get to the airport in time for my flight to Halifax. For reasons I am uncertain of, I was booked on British Airways not American so no chance of an upgrade. However I had the exit row seat and with my reduced girth economy is less of a problem than it was. The service was good, the seat next to me empty and I got a lot of work done.
OK we were late arriving at Toronto and I knew I was at risk of missing the 2100 Westjet flight. However when I switched on the iPhone on landing I got the news that it was delayed until 2318 so no problem. I could sleep on the plane and be OK for a days work. Customs was wonderful and I made the gate at 2055 so I might even have made the original if I had pushed it a bit. Two hours to go before boarding, but there was a Starbucks by the gate and David’s Teas both of which kept me going. Departure time around and then things started to go wrong.
Thanks to the polar vortex (pictured) cold was hitting the airport badly, -40 apparently and they could not get bags off the aircraft. Also fuelling was difficult as the runways were icy and trucks had to go the fuel farm and back in difficult conditions. However it would all be OK, our crew had just come in from Edmonton, plenty of time to get things sorted and we would get there eventually. Time for more tea …
A note for the discerning reader: I am writing these blogs after the event from notes taken at the time.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
"It's a little Anxious," he said to himself, "to be a Very Small Animal Entirely ...
So midnight passed and some planes were taking off. Our captain was chatty and kept ...