An IKEA learning journey with the Cynefin framework

Introducing complexity thinking and a sense-making approach to a multinational organisation is a true adventure. Over the last 3 years, we had the privilege of accompanying some organisations in the larger Ikea ecosystem on this journey. Alenka Rosenqvist and Anne JM Norman from Inter Ikea Group share this story, along with their reflections and learnings.

Some of the themes we touch on:

  • Where did the journey start and why start 5 SenseMaker® experiments in parallel?
  • How the system responded to the initial Sensemaker® probes, some of the “immune system responses” and what was learned and realised.
  • What were some enablers and barriers to a different kind of thinking and the role of the Cynefin Framework.
  • Reflections of different roles: consultants/partners, sponsors, colleagues who both join and who resist. Reflections on leadership, followership & competence development.

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Cognitive Edge Pte Ltd. (t/a The Cynefin Company) are making this material available as part of celebrating and narrating the development and influence of the Cynefin® framework and SenseMaker  in various contexts.

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About the Cynefin Company

Founded in 2005 The Cynefin Company is a pioneering research and strategy business.
Helping leaders in society, government and industry make sense of a complex world,
so that they can act and create positive change.

Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.


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