Governments and decision-makers need more anticipatory capacity for conflicts that are emerging. Keil Eggers presents on how SenseMaker®, complexity heuristics and Cynefin can be used from an anticipatory governance perspective. How can a continuous SenseMaker® capture network be implemented for the purpose of conflict monitoring, and the results used in creating a complexity-informed conflict strategy? Keil discusses the vision for the project and In key challenges. Keil Eggers is currently with the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, helping to establish a Narrative Peace Lab.
In the second presentation in this session, Elene Tkhlashidze of the OPTIM Project, Dr. Shawn Cunningham and Marcus Jenal of Mesopartner, discuss how skilled planners build in space into logical frameworks where exploration of complex issues can still happen. This presentation is based on an economic development project in Moldave, and draws on many years of experience in enabling international development projects to be more complex-sensitive.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.