In the lounge at Heathrow with David Gurteen on my way to Moscow for a KM conference. I haven’t been to Russia in 17 years. I remember that because it was with my wife and she was 6 months pregnant. This produced some interesting issues given the ease of access to public toilets in St Petersburg, but one learns ones lessons. Given that I have not been there since the wall came down I have looking forward to seeing what has changed. I must admit to have been disappointed with Berlin (which was almost a second home in the 70’s) which seemed to have lost its vibrancy; however I may be being over sentimental. One consequence of this trip is that I may well not have internet, or email access until late Friday night, so apologies for any lack of responsiveness over the next few days.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
There is one truly great contribution that the English have made to this world and ...
The four hour flight to Moscow went quickly yesterday as I was traveling with David ...