I’ve just come off a conference call to a class at the University of Texas. I was there to answer questions on the nature of consultancy and it was an interesting experience. To be honest I feel a bit of a fraud. While I have been asked to consult on many occasions I have never had to sell myself as a consultant, or been through consultancy education of any type. In fact on two occasions where I was looking for a job as I was told by partners in large consultancy firms that I had none of the necessary qualities. I have come to see that as a complement by the way.
One of the questions was a request for wisdom (oh my god I must be getting old), to wit what advice would I give a person starting out. Thinking about it I came up with these (other ideas welcome):
Given more thought I could come up with a better list, but for tonight that was it.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
I have been carrying around a newspaper clipping from Simon Caulking in the Observer at ...
Its funny how a quickly written blog often produces interesting reactions, while one that takes ...