We packed a lot into the last two days, adding meetings over meals as needed to compensate for two days lost due to a combination of the weather, but more importantly the inability of West Jet to break out of their linear models (more over the weekend as promised). Thursday saw me do three pretty similar presentations to different groups in short order; something I enjoy as it refines the messages and often gives new insights as you adjust to each audience. The last one included people external to Government including members of the Advisory group for the Ministry of Culture. That allowed me to talk more about the roles of aesthetics in human sense-making, something that I am focusing on at the moment as I think we can gain a lot here without succumbing to NAFB syndrome.
On friday I ran a safe-to-fail workshop to look at new interventions to change attitudes within public service. That meant I had pleasure of setting up a ritual dissent exercise, the joy of which for myself and the participants, never fails. The ability of a group of people to come up with novel and interesting approaches is a constant delight. However the tendency to just produce the familiar until challenged acts as a counter-balance. My two final sessions were with the Minister and then with a group of young public servants over a meal. Now one of the interesting things that happens when you meet with politicians is that often have a very different background to their public servants. I was talking here about our work on health and well being and understanding the patient journey. The Minister had done duty as a hospital porter (and had a wonderful story about roller skates, gurney trolley wheels and rules that I will relate at some stage when I can do justice to it). That experience meant that he immediately saw the points I was making about the dangers of outcome based targets without the need for the level of explanation you have to give people in more bureaucratic roles. I have seen the same over the years talking to nurses and other front line workers. They get complexity, because they live it. Either way a short planned meeting became a long meeting and a fascinating project that involve the Minister himself so I am looking forward to that.
Then to the end of the day and two meetings over a beer both with people who want to make a difference. I’m not sure if I can name names so I am going to speak about the points I made, rather than the people involved and their views. Two key lessons really that I can summarise as follows:
So four days into two, well almost I have moved flights on Monday to add a morning at the price of arriving in Minneapolis at midnight assuming Toronto and O’Hare airports are kind to me. Now for the weekend, starting with a walk and then lots and lots of catchup on writing and calls. I hope to write the blog post on crisis management on Sunday, but it may wait a bit.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
I don't get to Halifax as often as I would like. It has been one ...
Today was one that combined exercise with sleep and very little else. By arrangement I ...