The Cynefin framework is a sense-making tool used to help individuals and organisations understand and navigate complex systems and problems. Developed by Dave Snowden, a UK consultant and researcher, the framework is based on the idea that different types of systems require different approaches to decision-making and problem-solving. The Cynefin framework is used by individuals and organisations across a range of fields, including business, government, and healthcare, to help them understand complex systems and make more effective decisions.
This Learning Module provides a basic introduction to the Cynefin® framework and how it can be applied in organisations across a range of application areas. The content is an ideal starting point for anyone wanting to begin to develop a more detailed understanding of navigating complex systems by Cynefin Framework. At its most basic, Cynefin Framework improves decision-making during periods of both, accelerated change, as well and stability.
You will get six months of access to the learning platform, so you can finish your studies or revise later, wherever you want.
In this course we provide 3 modules:
This module introduces the concepts and theories that are foundational to the Cynefin framework and is intended for those who are new to Cynefin and would like to cover the basics.
This learning module will cover:
- An introduction to the Cynefin framework and the evolution of Cynefin terms;
- The unique aspects that complex systems involving people have (referred to by Cognitive Edge as anthro-complexity); and
- The differences between systems that are (i) ordered, (ii) complex, and (iii) chaotic
Completion time for this module depends on the pace at which a subscriber processes the content and/or exercises. Typical completion time is 75 to 90 minutes (cumulative time not factoring in any stop time).
Cynefin 102 focuses on how the Cynefin framework and its methods can be used to make sense of a wide array of operating environments and contexts. The Cynefin framework offers a powerful “lens” for situational assessments, however, when it is contextualized with data and insights from specific environments, the resultant models offer leaders and teams a decision model that is highly relevant to their needs and context.
By taking this learning module you will learn:
- How to use the Cynefin framework to make sense of a wide array of operating environments and contexts
- Three Cynefin methods that can be used to support sense-making as an individual or as a group
- About Cynefin and experience the difference between sense-making and categorization
- How the 4-points and Linear Cynefin methods can create a Cynefin model that reflects a unique context and environment
- About a portfolio of interventions and the importance of coherence
Completion time for this module depends on the pace at which a subscriber processes the content and/or exercises. Typical completion time is 75 to 90 minutes (cumulative time not factoring in any stop time).
Module 3: CYNEFIN® 110: DOMAIN MODELS (3×3)
Cynefin 110 offers an opportunity to dive into the qualities and aspects of the Clear, Complicated, Complex, and Chaotic domains of the Cynefin framework. These models help individual contributors, supervisors, or senior leaders understand how they manage within and across these four domains. Awareness of warnings signs and risks within each domain is highlighted and suggestions are offered for handling situations where these signs are appearing.
By taking this learning module you will be able to:
- A better understanding of the qualities and dynamic nature of each domain
- See potential risks in how your organization, team, or unit is being managed or is operating
- Identify more legitimate and effective ways of managing within each domain
Completion time for this module depends on the pace at which a subscriber processes the content and/or exercises. Typical completion time is 75 to 90 minutes (cumulative time not factoring in any stop time).
Cancellations / Refunds / Transfers
Tickets are non-refundable and non-cancellable. Training applies to registered individuals only and training material access by non-registered users is not permitted. If you have further questions, please Contact Us Here