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SenseMaker Virtual QuickStart

£7,500 £7,500

SKU: SenseMaker-VQS Category:


Virtual Quickstart is an 8-week learn-as-you-do journey, where we work with you to design and implement your own real pilot engagement, step-by-step. Over the years, we have seen that the best way to learnSenseMaker® is to apply it in context in a real engagement. The Quickstart journey offers you an opportunity to benefit from a blended learning approach which includes access to our online learning platform, live tutorials and consultation sessions with expert SenseMaker® practitioners.

  • Deliver a pilot SenseMaker engagement design
  • Teams of up to three (3) people (extra seats available at discounted rates) OR individuals
  • Includes a 3 month SenseMaker® subscription for the team with options to upgrade to 6 or 12 months

Live tutorials

Live 90-minute tutorials will be held via Zoom every 2 weeks at a pre-set time.

We have designed this as a cohort-based learning intervention to maximize peer-learning and allow delegates to benefit from cross-pollination and interaction with a cohort of peers exploring the application of SenseMaker® in their own areas of work. However, alternative tutorial times may be scheduled for teams who have clashes.

What to expect

The Quickstart journey provides a learning intervention with a focus on capacity building and active learning.

Our hybrid learning approach includes virtual self-paced learning as well as instructor-led sessions. You will be given access to our learning platform and carefully developed training videos to learn the basics of using SenseMaker®.

To optimise peer-learning, we recommend that teams set aside time to go through the content together. Every session has recommended reading as well as assignments. We will also meet for facilitator-led tutorial sessions where we run through group activities that help synthesise the material, workshop your engagements and answer questions. These tutorials also allow for peer-to-peer learning across teams to allow delegates to benefit from multiple perspectives on the application of SenseMaker®.

The curriculum covers:

  • Engagement conceptualisation and collection design
  • Design principles of SenseMaker signifiers; do and don’ts working with signifiers; and how to use our signifier library
  • Working with SenseMaker® data: patterns, sense-making, and the development of actionable insights
  • How to engage clients or your organisation in intervention design i.e. moving from data to action

Register for VQS

Please register your interest for the Virtual QuickStart and let us know about your context by completing this Google Form: https://forms.gle/1Djsa2J1QF1t1XyX6.

One of our Cynefin Co team will be in touch with you to discuss your registration and SenseMaker needs.

Cancellations & Rescheduling

Voluntary cancellations by registrants are permitted at any time prior to the course start and a refund for the amount paid will be provided less a 10% refund processing fee. Substitutions are permitted at any time as well as rescheduling attendance to an alternate session within a year of the original course start date. Substitutions and/or rescheduling of courses for discounted tickets may be subject to rescheduling restrictions and/or fee supplements.

Cognitive Edge reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule training sessions. In the event of cancellation or rescheduling, a registered attendee can request a full refund of course fees. Refunds will be processed within ten (10) business days of refund request

About the Cynefin Company

The Cynefin Company (formerly known as Cognitive Edge) was founded in 2005 by Dave Snowden. We believe in praxis and focus on building methods, tools and capability that apply the wisdom from Complex Adaptive Systems theory and other scientific disciplines in social systems. We are the world leader in developing management approaches (in society, government and industry) that empower organisations to absorb uncertainty, detect weak signals to enable sense-making in complex systems, act on the rich data, create resilience and, ultimately, thrive in a complex world.

Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.


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