Those who know their Dr Doolittle will know that the Pushmi-pullyu has two heads, one of a gazelle and the other of a unicorn at opposite ends of its body. No one could capture it as one head was always awake and you couldn't sneak up on it from behind. On the downside it could never agree which way to go. It was never the double headed Llama of the Eddie Murphy movie. To my mind it well illustrates the problem of what I will call dichotomous management, in which things are seen as either/or rather than both/and. It's the difference between forcing people to choose between the two horns of a dilemma, and inviting them to resolve a paradox. The latter invites you to think differently about the problem, the former frequently involves a coin toss. Such thinking is more or less an inevitable consequence of thinking in reductionist terms and linear causality.
Let me give a couple of illustrations of the problem.
What they all miss is the application of context. Anyone who has spent an extended in services and actually thought about their experience, will tell you that a product focus is necessary for new things, while an industry focus works best for established needs and capability. So we need to mix both. In marketing push or pull gives power to one side over another and the asymmetry leads to variable times between collapse.
So how should we think differently? Well that is the co-evolution post I promised yesterday and will deliver tomorrow. I needed (sic) to set a little more context before proceeding.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
I made it back to Henley in the early hours of the morning following an ...
Coevolution in biology occurs when two parties exert selective evolutionary pressures on each other as ...