Rendering Knowledge

October 10, 2008

I may have finally broken a writing block. Aside from two book chapters in the last couple of months I more or less completed a paper-length opinion piece for a report ARK are producing on KM in the Legal Profession. The title includes one of those words which has multiple and different meanings namely render which is allowing me to play games between the poetic meaning and that of rendering something down to fat. As a part of that paper, I updated my original three rules of knowledge management to seven principles which I share below.

  1. Knowledge can only be volunteered it cannot be conscripted. You can’t make someone share their knowledge, because you can never measure if they have. You can measure information transfer or process compliance, but you can&rsqursquo;t determine if a senior partner has truly passed on all their experience or knowledge of a case.
  2. We only know what we know when we need to know it. Human knowledge is deeply contextual and requires stimulus for recall. Unlike computers, we do not have a list-all function. Small verbal or nonverbal clues can provide those ah-ha moments when a memory or series of memories are suddenly recalled, in context to enable us to act. When we sleep on things we are engaged in a complex organic form of knowledge recall and creation; in contrast, a computer would need to be rebooted.
  3. In the context of real need, few people will withhold their knowledge. A genuine request for help is not often refused unless there is literally no time or a previous history of distrust. On the other hand, ask people to codify all that they know in advance of a contextual enquiry and it will be refused (in practice it’s impossible anyway). Linking and connecting people is more important than storing their artefacts.
  4. Everything is fragmented. We evolved to handle unstructured fragmented fine granularity information objects, not highly structured documents. People will spend hours on the internet, or in casual conversation without any incentive or pressure. However, creating and using structured documents requires considerably more effort and time. Our brains evolved to handle fragmented patterns not information.
  5. Tolerated failure imprints learning better than success. When my young son burnt his finger on a match he learnt more about the dangers of fire than any amount of parental instruction could provide. All human cultures have developed forms that allow stories of failure to spread without attribution of blame. Avoidance of failure has a greater evolutionary advantage than the imitation of success. It follows that attempting to impose best practice systems is flying in the face of over a hundred thousand years of evolution that says it is a bad thing.
  6. The way we know things is not the way we report we know things. There is an increasing body of research data which indicates that in the practice of knowledge, people use heuristics, past pattern matching and extrapolation to make decisions, coupled with a complex blending of ideas and experiences that takes place in nanoseconds. Asked to describe how they made a decision after the event they will tend to provide a more structured process-oriented approach which does not match reality. This has major consequences for knowledge management practice.
  7. We always know more than we can say, and we will always say more than we can write down. This is probably the most important. The process of taking things from our heads to our mouths (speaking them) to our hands (writing them down) involves loss of content and context. It is always less than it could have been as it is increasingly codified.
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The Cynefin Company (formerly known as Cognitive Edge) was founded in 2005 by Dave Snowden. We believe in praxis and focus on building methods, tools and capability that apply the wisdom from Complex Adaptive Systems theory and other scientific disciplines in social systems. We are the world leader in developing management approaches (in society, government and industry) that empower organisations to absorb uncertainty, detect weak signals to enable sense-making in complex systems, act on the rich data, create resilience and, ultimately, thrive in a complex world.

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