This morning I gave a presentation on judgement and decision making for small unit excellence in Alexandria. I followed a four star (we are talking about military units here) namely General James Mattis Commander US Joint Forces Command so I was in exalted company. The audience was a mix of academics and serving offices from all services including several special forces personal. Now I always enjoy military audiences, despite the stereotypes they are nearly always interested in new ideas, take experimentation seriously and, in the case of warfighters have an intuitive understanding of complexity even if they are not aware of the theory. Conversation is always interesting. I will blog on this again tomorrow as a lot of interesting ideas came up. The military version of the children’s party story can be found here and the written version here. The slides from my talk can be found here.
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I have been subject to a degree of sarcasm about my enthusiasm for a ...
I was back in the small unit excellence session this morning before moving on to ...