I gave two keynotes today in Helsinki (by far and away one of my favorite European Cities). The first was a general one on strategy and you can find the podcast here, and the slides here. The second was to a smaller group and restricted to half an hour so I did not record it, but it was a subset of this material. If you have downloaded a keynote before you will find a lot of the same material. This is probably the best of recent months, took under an hour although I could have done with another ten minutes. Supporting articles and other material available in the literature section of the website.
At the moment this stuff is all fairly new and I keep getting asked to do the high level overview. Someone asked me today if I found it boring to repeat. I must admit I was surprised by the question. Each audience is new, each gives a different reaction, not to mention that I love this stuff!
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
Its funny how a quickly written blog often produces interesting reactions, while one that takes ...
I got a bit carried away yesterday with four posts but this will be it ...