It is my last day as a guest blog. Also this has been my first blogging experience… I found it much more difficult to blog than I originally envisaged. I was always struggling to find the right reflective spirit (at the correct time) and to correct way to express the ideas once I had them… I think I will try to blog a little more and see what comes of it. After reading Outliners, I need to give it at least 10000 hours before becoming an expert, so still 9998 hours to go…
Also I was also a little hesitant to talk about some personal stuff (I guess I would have liked to talk more about my family and our children and our fights with the educational systems), not sure why, often I have deleted some personal blogs after writing them, I am not capable of writing in the right way, specially personal stuff (I guess if I was I would be writing “The Road”). All in all it has been a very good experience and I have really enjoyed. And I think I will give it a real go at it…
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
An interesting email came in from my old friend Karl Wiig this evening. He is ...