The Shubie Canal

January 11, 2014

Today was one that combined exercise with sleep and very little else.  By arrangement I headed off in newly purchased Baffin snow boots to the 0745 Dartmouth Ferry and met Ray at the entrance to the Farmer's market.  From there we headed up to the cinder path that roughly tracks the Shubie Canal (pictured) as far as Lake Charles.  The cold spell was over and the surface of the lakes was water, but the ice still supported a few lonely skaters.   Ray was reflecting how when he was a child then they would have been playing hockey there all day.  Now such physical activity is more orchestrated.   It is a chance, I had the same experience growing up where we all decamped to the street or the fields next to it.  It taught us to live with people we had not chosen to play with, to avoid bullies to get a sense of danger and learn how to avoid it.

Either way life is as it is!  This was a good walk often on ice and the new boots held their grip well.  However the socks ran off by toes and I ended up with a blister on one heel.  I need to keep them slacker and wear longer socks!   They are also too big to fit into fold up bag I threw in to my luggage to allow me to put them and other things in the hold on my return so I will need another trip to Mountain Equipment Co-Op tomorrow. 

We returned by a similar path and it was interesting to note two sets of very Canadian notices.   First the trail was split into on leash and off leash areas.  The guide book I had also talked about conflict between dog walkers and others which was a new concept for me (although I like it).  Then in the ferry terminal multiple notices trying to get people to stop wearing scent or scented deodorants to improve life for everyone around them.   I think that is just brilliant, but only in Canada. 

I picked up some stuff to eat in the farmers market then took the ferry back and aimed to spend the afternoon working.  I managed to read a chapter while doing the washing in the hotel guest laundrette, but then back in my room the net effects of the week took over and I fell asleep at 1600 to wake up again in the late evening, but after a brief spell on the computer I retired to bed, and the latest Terry Pratchett.  I will pay for this tomorrow.


Pictures and route here, along with others from the week.

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The Cynefin Company (formerly known as Cognitive Edge) was founded in 2005 by Dave Snowden. We believe in praxis and focus on building methods, tools and capability that apply the wisdom from Complex Adaptive Systems theory and other scientific disciplines in social systems. We are the world leader in developing management approaches (in society, government and industry) that empower organisations to absorb uncertainty, detect weak signals to enable sense-making in complex systems, act on the rich data, create resilience and, ultimately, thrive in a complex world.

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