A flurry of work this afternoon and the Starbucks mug collection is now fully displayed. Having done that I now realise I have limited capacity for expansion, so that means more work on shelves over the Christmas break. In addition I will probably get into an obsessive compulsive mode and get them organised by longitude within continent.
The other big holiday task (other than accounts, articles, the book, reading, playing with the new camera and general work) is to get the whole Science Fiction collection into Bookpedia. That will not be easy as a lot of it is before ISBN numbers, and even when the ISBN number exists many do not have a bar code so I can’t scan it. Then I have all the novels in the sitting room to be catalogued and my text books organised by subject.
Oh and I have some blogs to backfill for the week
I am aiming for a temporary period of order by the new year ….
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
I fail to see why any intelligent broadcaster would want to inflict a Fox news ...
I've never understood why various forms of odium are cast on those of us who ...