The final cooking blog for Xmas, back to less serious stuff tomorrow! My promised recipe for the best recipe I have found for cold turkey. Its takes a bit of effort and it involves sauces sensitive to any failure to attend to them continuously. I doubled all these quantities today as I had a lot of people to feed, and you might want to do the same anyway. This is a great dish cold or to reheat. Apologies to Steve by the way, I hadn’t realised that our office in Singapore is now majority vegetarian, with consequences for his eating habits. I gather than my blogging about congealed blood sausages has not helped!
I should also say that there are many recipes for this dish and I have tried many of these over the years so the following represents my best combination of multiple components. You need a pound or more of cold turkey, half a pound of pasta, 4oz of silvered and blanched almonds, lemon juice, half a pound of button mushrooms, half a pint of double cream, a glass of dry white wine together with cooking cheese and shaved parmesan. Most recipes use spaghetti but i prefer to use a thick tagliatelle ideally with Basil or some other strong herb. I also use the white meat as the source is white, the pasta ideally green and it makes for good presentation. Overall this dish needs a fresh green vegetable and a crisp white wine. I used broccoli and a sauvignon (which I have always preferred to Chardonnay.
So to the process:
It’s an indulgent meal so you might as well go the whole hog (ironic that phrase) and finish it off with organic vanilla ice cream and slices of Red WIlliam Pears, if you want to be really indulgent pour some of the remaining double cream over that, the way it flakes in contact with the cold ice cream is wonderful. Then go to bed, wake up the next morning and take out that gym membership.
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