At the end of each episode of In Our Time, there is an additional few minutes for podcast listeners which always starts with Melvyn Bragg asking his guests what aspects of the topic they would have liked to cover but were missed. So I thought I would do the same at the end of this series. I’ve also had thoughts about a couple of options for next year so I’ve added that to remind me nearer the time. While I am here thanks for all the comments by email and on social media as I have worked through and to all the Doctor Who fans who told me where I was wrong!
Firstly to the major ommissions, the ones I originally planned to use but then it didn’t pan out. While I mentioned Niel Gaimen in yesterday’s post for Good Omens he deserved an article in his own right for American Gods and its sister novel Anansi Boys along with the Sandman series (brilliantly televised unlike American Gods) and The Ocean at the End of the Road, now translated into a West End play. He also deserves mention for a cameo performance on Big Bang Theory without which we would not have had the character of Denise. Lauren Lapkus stole several episodes with that part. Adrian Tchaikovsky was second up on my original list for this Children of Time series which explores the consequence of intelligence emerging in spiders. octopodes and other creatures. He has a background in zoology and psychology which comes through in this work. I am currently working through his Final Architecture series. He is a prolific writer but without any loss in imagination or quality of writing. I think one of the reasons I didn’t include him was that I couldn’t think of how to talk about the spiders without ruining the book for people who hadn’t read it. Another other major omission was Philip Pullman for the His Dark Materials series which has finally gotten the treatment it deserved in the BBC and HBO series, although I did like the first film but never developed thanks to the religious right lobby. There is an old saying that the only two religions that have jokes about their faith are the Catholics and the Jews; because they know they are right. Losing a sense of humour about your faith is the first sign of a descent into superstition. The sequels to the original three books maintain the quality of the first. It is overall one of the best explorations of Religion but it almost deserves a series in its own right. I did mention him in an earlier post.
We then come to a pair of Comic Writers Robert Rankin and Tom Holt. It turns out Rankin was a guest at my Mother-in-Law’s 90th birthday but no one told me and I am still frustrated at that missed opportunity. Once you have read Rankin you can never drive through Brentwood in west London again without at least thinking if you will meet Jim Pooley and John Omally in the Flying Swan. Brentford turns out to be in a mysterious triangle in which we variously get satanic takeover attempts (barcoding the entire population, and projects to clone Jesus from the Turin Shroud. The serpent which tempted Eve is buried under the local football ground. The titles are to die for, notably The Sprouts of Wrath, East of Ealing, The Brentford Chain Store Massacre and Lord of the Ringroads. Tom Holt is also adept at twisting the familiar for comic purposes. I remember irritating the whole family when his first book Expecting Someone Taller was published, It is a retelling of the Ring Cycle in modern Britain. It is one of those novels that is so clever that you just can’t stop laughing. He went on to give the same treatment to the Flying Dutchman, Beowolf and the Grail Legends. The Management Style of the Supreme Beings should be a part of any leadership course and the JW Wells & Co series has now had its first novel The Portable Door televised and one hopes they will continue with the other five. He also wrote two novels as a sequel to E F Benson’s Lucia series, and he writes very much in that style. He also writes as K J Parker in which capacity he has won two World Fantasy Awards.
Then we get to the also-rans. They were on my list, some for the quality of their writing, some just because they were important to me as I got into the genre. I list them here in alphabetical order:
Then, just for fun, I asked ChatGPT to give me all the categories for science fiction and fantasy. Fiction was split into Hard Science Fiction, Space Opera, Cyberpunk, Dystopian Fiction, Time Travel and Alternate History. Fantasy into High, Low, Urban, Historical and Dark plus Sword and Sorcery. I think I have covered them all.
Thinking about next year I came up with two possible themes namely (i) adult books I read as a child and (ii) television programmes we watched together as a family when I was growing up. The former would include the John Master’s series about India, Private Angelo, and some serious political work. Interesting to note which were my fathers, which were my mothers and which they both liked. The latter is also interesting as in those days everything had to be negotiated. So to get Star Trek and Monty Python I had to make other concessions. That period was interesting for all British Families however as in the main the whole family watched the same programmes and that had implications for language and much else.
But that is next year, I will probably take tomorrow off and then next week I have serious posts, linked to new work, that I need to focus on.
If you have been, thank you for reading
As an afterthought, I asked ChatGPT the same question again and got a more interesting list, one that I think is a better summary:
The banner picture is cropped from an original by Iván Díaz obtained from Unsplash. The opening picture ‘UFO arrivals at Sea’ is an imaginative work used under an Unsplash+ License
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