Internet access here in South Africa is a bit difficult this week. Monday no problem, but now there are generic problems across the whole region. At the moment I can get email and use Skype, but cannot access the web. I won’t know if I can blog via Vienna until I try. So if I don’t respond to email or blog less frequently then you know why.
I have also realised to day just how frustrating it is to not know if you can connect. To know you cannot for 12 hours on a flight is no stress, to know that you might be able to, but with no certainty is immensely stressful. It all about expectation but these days I find it very difficult not know know that I can have a solid hour of connectivity at least once a day. Some years ago I didn’t use email, dictated email and had a bleeped which told me if I needed to come off the road and make a phone call. I also remember on an MBA reunion, one of our members had one of the first mobile phones. It looked like a real phone and was in a large box on a strap hung over his shoulder.
We have co-evolved with out technology, and the trouble with co-evolution is that you cannot go backwards. Once the interdependency is there it cannot be broken. Have I gained or last capacity during that process?
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
We are currently organising the next London Accreditation programme for 23-25 April 2008 and there ...
Aside from the internet access problems South Africa retains its appeal. I sat down for ...