Most societies would not exist without the willingness of people to volunteer. This can range from baking a cake for the village fete (my act of volunteering last week) up to the organised schedules and high time commitment of things like Meals on Wheels.
We are currently working with part of the Australian network to use narrative as a means of understanding the whys and hows of the Future of Volunteering. We are doing this with the Government of New South Wales, Dellotte, SOLA and the NSW Meals on Wheels Association. If you live in Australia we would really appreciate your participation. It won’t take long and you have the traditional opportunity (provided by any on-line survey) to win an iPod or cinema tickets. To take part click here.
What you will also be doing, and this is potentially more important than winning a prize, is starting a move towards discovering more effective, and human ways of doing research into citizen needs and starting the business of understanding how to create new ways of measuring impact. If this works we may extend the system shortly to take material from elsewhere in the world (I will announce it here if we do). For the moment if you live in Australia or know someone who does please get them to take part.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
it was with a little nervousness that I accepted the offer to be the inaugural ...
C'est Moi after Simsonizing my normal conference photograph and (hopefully) being fairly honest with the ...