Given that Sunday will not exist for me (I leave Los Angeles before midnight on Saturday and arrive in Singapore at midday on Monday, God do I hate the date line) I thought it would make sense to reflect in advance on my latest purchase. I normally buy two to three watches a year, not because of any fetish fueled extravagance on my part I hasten to add. The reason is that I forget to take my watch from time to time when leaving the house in haste for a trip. When that happens I end up getting a new one from the duty free catalogue on the airline, in this case BA. Now I do go for some variety but normally I am conservative. However this time I simply could not resist this. Until you press the button it is simply a black face, then you get the visual clue. It’s two thirty seven in the picture by the way. I love it, more details here.
However, during a skype chat with my daughter about the difference between ethnicity and race (I am enjoying her anthropology degree as much as she is) I made the mistake of sending her the link, expecting admiration. The response I got? A very simple statement: Men ….
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
Leaving a book you a reading in a hotel is a pain but it happens. ...