So here we go, another round the world, in this case in 16 days. The worse of times as well as its two weeks in Singapore followed by a weekend in Aukland and then two days in Calgary so I've had ot pack for three climates. That with regret means checking something in, which in turn means a relaxation of packing discipline!
There is nothing like having to get everything into two bags of specific dimensions to make sure you only take the essentials. OK planning helps, but not planning for a trip, but planning for resilience for many different trips. That is an important distinction for many things not just packing! It means no trip is optimal, but overall I have the ability to pack quickly, rarely leaving anything critical behind.
So its all about modularity and critically ritual. I have some basics that help here:
All in the same places, all maintained on each return. I then have several different bags which combine in different ways. Worst case scenario I can pack for 9 weeks in 15 minutes. I know I did it last year!
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
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Chris Bellavita of the Navy Post Graduate School over in Monterrey has authored a few ...