A late night return last night, and getting ready for a four week round the world trip starting this evening impacted on getting a blog out yesterday. To be perfectly honest I spent far too much time on the Wikipedia when I did get home. Editing is becoming addictive and I am starting to think about working towards admin status. We had yet another sock puppet this week but the forensics tracked the individual down so right won out again. There is a real sense of community around some of the articles and unlike a gaming community it has a sense of purpose about it; Wikipedia pages matter. There is also an honesty about the virtual interaction while second life always seems artificial, a form of dishonest make believe. Purpose is important rather than self-indulgence, a sense of contribution to a wider goal or objective.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
I flew out to Paris this morning for a set of meetings, which involved an ...
Mary Boone ( my co-author on the HBR article) sent me the attached circular from ...