My seminar on the above subject is now available online. It’s the most recent thinking on the basis for SenseMaker™ as a research product. For people who have heard a lot of the podcasts there will be some familiar material, but the structure of the material and the linkages should provide some novelty. I am also starting to realise that the distinction between abduction and induction (in which I include hypothetico-deductive) is important in the way we use statistics. A correlation when you are testing a hypothesis may indicate a causal link to a degree. In an abductive environment it is an invitation to investigate something of interest, requiring human intelligence to interpret and the supporting and linked micro-narratives to act as a means of refining the explanandum to achieve an expananans. In dealing with complexity question and answer are an intertwined and interwoven process that can lead to insight.
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
How does an organization know what it knows? That question drives a lot of interest ...
I was at a dialogue yesterday in Pasadena hosted by the Business Renaissance Institute. Like ...