Safety in organizations is not produced or manufactured. Leading safety experts agree they see safety as an emergent property of many interacting forces, such as employees, policies, incentive systems and regulatory requirements in a complex adaptive system: an organization. This new view, different from the traditional view held by industry leaders and executives, has been strongly influenced and supported by the Cynefin Framework.
Michael Cheveldave of Cognitive Edge hosts this panel conversation in two sessions. You will learn how executives can use the Cynefin Framework to see new possibilities for designing and improving safety in companies.
Panel – Session 1: Gary Wong, Marion Kiely, Rick Strycker, Brian “Ponch” Rivera, Boudewijn Bertsch
Panel – Session 2: Gary Wong, Andy Shone, Lizzy Smith, Dr. Wendy Elford, Steve McCrone
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.