I had one big set piece presentation today on complexity and the role of IT and started off with a list of major changes I see coming over the next few years. Always a hostage to fortune but at least it gets people thinking. The podcast (not sure of the quality) and slides are both available.
I punched a lot of material into 45 minutes but enjoyed it and got some very interesting questions at the end. That was a bit if a surprise, but a welcome one. The large number of CIOs seeking to find purpose and a strategic role was probably one reason for this.
The five I pulled out were:
Nothing new there for frequent followers, but some different emphasis and argument. From there I moved on to why software should be considered as a service not a product, how to do use requirements capture and how not to measure.
At the drinks session afterwards there were a lot of interesting discussions and in response to one I dug out this article from the New Statesman on the absence of women in IT and the link of said absence to the association of gaming with IT education. I must admit I think it puts off a lot of men too.
As ever the real issue is to focus on technology as a tool, not a fetish. I remember I got into computing because it made it easier to do things in business, not for its own sake. A little more of that, a little less nerd would help!
Cognitive Edge Ltd. & Cognitive Edge Pte. trading as The Cynefin Company and The Cynefin Centre.
A long overnight to Hong Kong by way of Helsinki more or less wiped out ...
I don't think I ever repeat a presentation, but over time certain elements stay constant, ...